Tian All Grown Up!

Meet Tian now happy and healthy at age 5! He was born premature at only 1500 grams and was diagnosed with pneumonia and severe heart condition. Sustained under an incubator he clinged onto life support for 27 long days at Mianyang Central Hospital. Thanks to the...

Baby Kang Regains Strength!

Kang is a 17-year-old mother with only primary school level education. Chen, her husband, is 19 years old and has the same education level as Kang. The family lives in Liupanshui, Guizhou, China. Kang was thrilled to become a mother for the first time in her life, but...

CMF Social Impact Fellowship – Apply Now!

The Children’s Medical Foundation Social Impact Fellowship prepares high school students to be socially responsible leaders with the skills and understanding needed to lead impactful personal and professional lives.  Differentiate Yourself – Apply Now Applications are...