August 16th, 2023 – CMF Ambassador, Ms Irene Wan, and Board Director, Kenny Ho, visited Qianxinan People’s Hospital, the leading regional hospital for the entire Qianxinan region. The hospital has been a CMF program partner since 2012 and serves as a neonatal specialty hub and center of excellence for the hundreds of rural medical facilities in the region. Long meetings with Hospital Administrators were valuable for them.

While it was newly joined Board Director Mr Ho’s first visit to a CMF program hospital, the region holds particular ancestral significance as the locale of multiple generations of Ho Family charity support. Ho was impressed by how the hospital management brought back key learnings from the 6th National Neonatal Network Conference in Shanghai in May, and implemented this into their operations to better serve their local community.
Ms. Wan had a rare glimpse into the hospital’s Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. She was overwhelmed by the software behind the delivery and caring love towards children truly in need. With the Ho Family support to bring child healthcare to the remote corners of Qianxinan, CMF hopes to expand Every Baby Rescued to rural under resourced county hospitals.