On June 20th, select 100 of the city’s golfers, founders or family members of established Hong Kong companies, gathered at The Clearwater Bay Golf & Country Club for Children’s Medical Foundation’s 8th Annual Charity Golf Tournament 2024.
With Title Sponsor Mrs. Purviz R. Shroff, MH & Late Mr. Rusy M. Shroff, BBS, MBE, the Tournament and Dinner raised nearly HK$2.0 million which will benefit Children’s Medical Foundation, whose flagship program “Every Baby Rescued” sustainably elevates child healthcare systems and reduces preventable death and disability for newborns of underprivileged families across Asia.
In attendance were Golf Tournament Title Sponsor Mr. Noshir Shroff and Mrs. Fizzy Shroff, CMF Ambassador Ana R and Venise Chan The Clearwater Bay Golf & Country Club’s Dr. Wilson Lee, Gaw Capital Partners Kenny Gaw, KC Maritime Chairman, Mr. Gautam Chellaram, KHI Holdings COO, Mr. Nicolas Fu, Mr. Ronald Abram of Ronald Abram, Oxbow Capital Management COO, Mr. Vishal Tourani, ClearVue Parntners Founder, Mr. Harry Hui, CMF Donor Ms. Audry Ai Morrow, Golfer Ms. Cindy Lee and Miss Doris Sung, the youngest player to qualify for the Hong Kong Ladies Open and compete in a major championship. CMF Board Directors Mr. Alex Ng, Mr. Kenny Ho who also serves as Golf Committee Co-Chairperson with Ms. Meiji Bennett.
The Team Winner went to Mr. Peter Tung, Mr. Charles Mak, Ms. San Mak and Mr. Jeffery Wang. The Men’s Champion trophy went to Mr. Charlie Mak and Mrs. Purviz R. Shroff Ladies Champion trophy to Ms. Cindy Lee. The trophies were sponsored by Town House.
The Tournament was a success thanks to our Title Sponsor, The Clearwater Bay Golf & Country Club and Partners and Diamond, Double Platinum and Platinum Sponsors which include CSOP Asset Management, Mr. Andrew Law, BofA Securities, Bentley Hong Kong – DCH, Carret Private Capital Limited and Divya & Vishal Tourani.

CMF 8th Charity Golf’s full field of 100 competitors with Mr. Noshir Shroff (far left), Ms. Fizzy Shroff, from Title Sponsor Mrs. Purviz R. Shroff, MH & Late Mr. Rusy M. Shroff, BBS, MBE, and CMF’s CEO Ms. Estella Huang Lung (both centered) with Mr. Kenny Ho (right), CMF Charity Golf Committee Co-Chair & Board of Director).

Tournament Awards and Winners:
Longest Drive (Ladies) – Hole 13: Cindy Lee
Longest Drive (Men) – Hole 13: Low Whye Choong
Nearest to the Pin (Unisex) – Hole 4: James Gill
Nearest to the Pin (Unisex) – Hole 16: John Chang
Runner-Up: Carolyn Trapness 24 pts c/b
Winner: Cindy Lee 46 pts
Runner-Up: San Mak 49 pts
Winner: Charles Mak 57 pts
1st Runner-up Team
Noshir Shroff, Jordan Warner, James Fill, Nigel Shroff 109 pts
Winning Team
Peter Tung, Charles Mak, San Mak, Jeffrey Wang 114 pts
Our gratitude also goes out to our event Sponsors:
Mrs. Purviz R. Shroff, MH and Late Mr. Rusy M. Shroff, BBS, MBE
CSOP Asset Management Limited
Mr. Andrew Law
Bentley Hong Kong – DCH
Mrs. & Mr. Divya and Vishal Tourani
Carret Private Capital Limited
BofA Securities
Mr. Alex Ng
Charles Monat Associates
Mr. Calvin Chou
Mr. Peter Tung
Mr. Matthew Ginsburg
Long Corridor Asset Management
Mr. Marc Compagnon
Mr. Ronald Tham & Mr. Peter Kim
Mr. Daryl Wong
Mr. Liam Wee Tay
Rothschild & Co
Sullivan and Cromwell (Hong Kong) LLP
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard & Vanessa Kim
Antarctica Asset Management
Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP