Kang is a 17-year-old mother with only primary school level education. Chen, her husband, is 19 years old and has the same education level as Kang. The family lives in Liupanshui, Guizhou, China.
Kang was thrilled to become a mother for the first time in her life, but she was deeply worried about her child’s condition after she went through multiple major internal hemorrhages during her pregnancy. The hemorrhages eventually led to premature delivery. Immediately after birth, the baby required resuscitation and experienced irregular breathing for 20 minutes afterwards. At 12:55 am, 12th April 2019, the baby was admitted into the NICU. Further examination revealed that the baby had neonatal respiratory distress syndrome, neonatal infectious pneumonia, bronchial-pulmonary dysplasia, mild neonatal asphyxia, apnea, neonatal hyperbilirubinemia, hypospadias, anemia, skin bruises, and other conditions. 31 days after being hospitalized, the baby still could not breath without a ventilator while the medical expenses were placing tremendous pressure on the low income family.
The treatment cost Kang’s family 2,000-3,000 RMB per day which is equal to the family’s monthly expenses. Moreover, Kang was also hospitalized after giving birth. The family relied completely on Chen who did not have a stable income. To pay for treatment, Chen borrowed a lot of money.
Luckily, he finally received financial support from Children’s Medical Foundation through a doctor’s referral. The baby fully recovered after 64 days of hospitalization and returned home on 15th June 2019. Donors like you allow CMF to continue our lifesaving work in rural Asia – thank you.