From January 2019 to December 2023. CMF cooperates with top children’s hospitals in mainland China to improve the skills and treatment capacity of neonatal medical staff at county, city and prefecture levels, and improve the quality of neonatal health services in rural areas of China through personnel training, equipment donation and system improvement. The project covers 36 cities, prefectures and leagues in 11 provinces and 303 counties in Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan, Hainan, Guangxi, Ningxia, Gansu, Inner Mongolia, Shaanxi, Shanxi and Hebei.

Why do we carry out Every  Baby Rescued?


At present, the main contradictions of neonatal medical treatment are the rising morbidity rate of newborns, the shortage of neonatal medical staff and the low level of neonatal medical service in rural areas. To address this problem, CMF launched the Every Baby Rescued Program. The aim is to enable selected medical personnel to receive 3-6 months of training in the training hospital so that they can acquire the knowledge and skills they really need to make up for their lack of service capacity and effectively reduce the neonatal mortality rate.

Dr. Zhang, Chief of Neonatology at the Sichuan Provincial Maternal & Child Health Hospital

At the welcome meeting, Dr. Zhang warmly welcomed the 16 neonatology doctors and nurses from Liangshan and Dazhou, and hoped that they could make great achievements after the six-month training.

After the meeting, the students actively consulted Dr. Zhang about neonatal cases. Under his patient guidance, the students suddenly became enlightened and strengthened their determination to learn advanced knowledge and skills in neonatal treatment.

Group photo of the third phase training medical professionals

CMF hopes that you can become the backbone of neonatal care after 6 months of study!


Butuo People’s Hospital

Zhaojue People’s Hospital

Jinyang People’s Hospital

Ganluo People’s Hospital

Mianning People’s Hospital



Dachuan People’s Hospital

Xuanhan People’s Hospital

Kaijiang Maternity and Child Health Care Hospital