CMF Fellows, Ray Wang and Happy Zhu were part of the YK Pao Pegasus Team that placed 3rd out of 400 teams competing globally in the 2019 Knowledge Wharton High school (KWHS) Competition. The annual investment competition required students to prepare a presentation and proposal that included: client analysis, portfolio strategy, and case study. The CMF Fellows chose Alibaba, having met several of their senior professionals during the 2018 Fellowship program.
The Children’s Medical Foundation Social Impact Fellowship for teens covers nonprofit leadership, socially responsible investing and the fields of health and medicine and builds professional confidence and soft skills.

“Our summer in the CMF Fellowship helped us a lot. We recorded a lot of concepts and investment terms like P/E and learned ethics considerations that we as the younger generation need to consider while investing like the ESG and SRI. In addition to investment concepts, we applied the presentation skills and handshake techniques we learned like smiling and nodding while others were speaking. In the Q & A section after the presentation, we felt much more confident because of our summer experience doing pitches and raising funds from amazing CMF donors.” – Ray Wang and Happy Zhu, 2018 CMF Fellows